Thursday, June 17, 2010

What is singing ?

Singing : to utter words or sounds in succession with musical modulations of the voice; vocalize melodically.

Well that doesn't tell us much about how to sing, does it ? First things first, what is a sound ?

Sound : the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium.

So when I speak, I produce sound. So what I'm left to do is utter them within a melody.

Say "Hello" for instance.

Listen to your voice. You have probably said "He" on a certain voice height, and "llo" on a lower note. Most people will go down from the first syllable to the second while saying hello.

Now say something else, just speak. And note the variations in the height of your voice. You are producing a melody, which sustains the meaning of what you are saying.

So considering that singing is uttering words within a melody... (you see me getting there ? ) you already sing ! ! And you have been singing all your life ! !

That was for getting rid of the "I've never sung and will never be able to". You are already doing it.

What you may not have learned, is to choose the height of the note, the length of it, the texture of your voice, the vibrato, the nasality, the air volume going through your vocal chords. Those are techniques, they can be learned and practiced. I will be giving tools and links to tutorials for all those methods.

But singing you don't need to learn. Cause you've been doing this all your life already.

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